12 noon - 6:00 p.m. - Family Dinner - Mariner's Inn
Sing Carols - 1 minute biography from the Phills family

Saturday being Christmas, the family congregated at Mariner's Inn Restaurant for Christmas Luncheon.  Mariner's Inn is also located at Villa Beach overlooking he infamous Young Island on which Dr. Jim Jr. and his charming wife Dr. Deborah stayed.  This was the first formal setting for the family Reunion, and Artie, co-leader, was the Master of Ceremonies.

At this event, Dr. Jim Sr. spoke of the Phills family heritage.  He emphasized that the Phills family was blessed with great genes, and that we could be anything we wanted to be.  His message left an impact on the younger generation.  Following Dr. Jim Sr. each Phills member presented a one-minute personal testimonial, including family origin, educational achievements, business orientations and future plans.  The presentations were simply incredible.  As one member said, "The Phills Family is a remarkable family", comprising of Doctors, Ministers, Scholars, Business Professions, Authors and Actresses.

Following dessert, Charles Phills led the group in singing their most favorite carols.
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